Hopefully all of you are involved to one degree or another in at least one club or organization that supports hunting, conservation, and the outdoors. There are tons of opportunities out there to get involved or donate your time and money. When many of us think of these organizations we probably tend to focus on some of the larger ones (NRA, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pheasants Forever, Quail Unlimited, etc). These are all fine organizations and I am a member of several but don't forget about your local sportsman's or conservation club.You may have to seek out your local club but they are out there. The reason I bring this up is just this past weekend my local club where I'm an officer at had our annual youth fishing rodeo. Most of the other organizations I support require I send a check in and then I assume they are doing what is best for myself and likeminded sportsmen. However, when dealing with my local club I get to see first hand my impacts. This can be through our monthly club meeting where I get to interact in person with fellow sportsmen, fishing rodeos, sporting days for local youths, introducing women to the outdoors, etc. The possibilities are endless and the best part is that YOU can actually make the difference.I am going to highlight the Eastern Illinois Sportsman's Club annual fishing rodeo in this article but there are so many other clubs and organizations out there doing similar and just as important events. I strongly urge you to get involved because those people who you positively impact with regards to hunting and shooting may just be the ones replacing us someday to carry on the traditions we have all worked so hard to establish. Without further delay here are some photos from this past weekend in Porterville, IL.