From the Field and Garden to Your Plate

What do I have to gain by blanching and freezing bag after bag of green beans next week? Pickling peppers is a pain in the butt. My wife and I will fly around the kitchen balancing kids canning tomatoes to be used in elk chili this fall. She took our three children and corralled them around a local strawberry patch picking berries to be used in protein smoothies for our betterment. They sell those in the produce section you know? Pure and simple, it’s fulfilling to us.
I don’t have a specific point I’m trying to make with this article but rather wanted to share this internal desire that I’m guessing several of you have. We do it because it’s good for us mentally, physically, and on the inside. Teaching my kids where food comes from is important to me. Instilling the hard work required to be healthy means a lot now and into the future. Knowing I can take care of my household regardless of what’s going on in the world is gratifying. So while you’re out there busting your hump just remember, it’s worth it. Stay strong, stay diligent, and stay healthy.